Union alleges Boeing intending to deny equal benefits to married same-sex couples in Washington

Despite the recent passage of same-sex marriage in Washington a union is alleging that Chicago-based aerospace company Boeing is intending to deny equal pension benefits to married same-sex couples in the state. The Windy City Times reported that The Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) executive director, Ray Goforth said that despite Boeing’s progressive…

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Record numbers of businesses achieve 100 percent rating in HRCF’s new Corporate Equality Index

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRCF) today released it 2013 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) in which a record 252 businesses achieved the top rating of 100 percent, earning the coveted distinction of “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality.”  As a point of comparison, 13 businesses earned a 100 percent in the inaugural CEI 11…

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