Mmmm … mole!

Between 1784 and 1846, the Spanish and Mexican governments established large land grants, called ranchos, to encourage the settlement of the territory known as California. The ranchos, dedicated to raising cattle and sheep, established land-use patterns and boundaries recognizable today. The community of Rancho Bernardo is one such example. People living on ranchos grew their…

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Why ‘bfd’ is such a big deal

Lunch, as described in the English Oxford Dictionary from 1580, is a “meal inserted between more substantial meals”. During the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, factory workers brought a small nosh with them to eat during the middle of the day. Soon after, an hour-long midday break became the workday norm, and small eateries sprang…

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A brief history of barbecue

Let’s talk about your meat. Do you like it “hot and fast”, or “low and slow”? To be clear, I’m talking about the difference between grilling and barbecue. Grilling is generally done quickly over direct heat from low-smoke fuels, while barbecue is usually conducted slowly over indirect heat from high-smoke fuels. After all, what is…

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