The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights issues statement condemning recent state laws and pending proposals targeting the LGBT community

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights today issued a statement regarding recent state laws passed, and proposals being considered, in the states of North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kansas. The full statement follows: The United States Commission on Civil Rights strongly condemns recent state laws passed, and proposals being considered, under the guise…

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22k+ demand Kansas reject bills discriminating against trans students

KANSAS — A Care2 petition with over 22,000 signatures is demanding the Kansas legislature reject two bills that would penalize transgender students for using a bathroom that does not correspond with their physical anatomy. The “Student Physical Privacy Act” would allow public school and university students who believe the law isn’t being enforced to sue…

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Kansas teacher asked to resign after showing anti-bullying movie (VIDEO) A Kansas teacher has been asked to resign after showing his students an anti-bullying film. Tom Leahy, a social studies teacher at Conway Springs Middle School, showed his students the 2011 short movie Love is All You Need, an anti-bullying film that depicts a fictional world in which heterosexual children are bullied by homosexual…

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Kansas Gov. Brownback issues anti-LGBT executive order

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback today issued Executive Order 15-05, “Preservation and Protection of Religious Freedom,” protecting the religious freedom of Kansas clergy and religious organizations. EO 15-05 prohibits state government from taking any discriminatory action against any “individual clergy or religious leader,” or any “religious organization” that chooses not to participate in a marriage that…

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Kansas same-sex marriage ban ruled unconstitutional

A federal judge today ruled against the ban on same-sex marriage in Kansas. The Washington Blade reports that U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree, an Obama appointee, issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement on Kansas law prohibiting of marriage rights for same-sex couples. The injunction is warranted, Crabtree writes, because of legal precedent and because…

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