Tweets ignite questions about checkered past of DeMaio’s life partner

In a Tweet that may rock the San Diego mayoral election, AFL-CIO of San Diego and Imperial Counties treasurer and CEO, Lorena Gonzalez, last week asked candidate and City Councilman Carl DeMaio, “Is your partner Johnathan Hale a convicted felon?” Gonzalez’ actual Twitter post was “Time for Carl to answer real questions. @Angelonsite: @carldemaio Is…

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Hypocrisy: Just what do they mean by ‘not covering’ the mayor’s race? Dear Editor, Most of your readers are familiar with that other publication’s stated policy of objective, non-coverage of the mayor’s race. I received this following statement from the SDGLN editor a few weeks ago: “We have published the following formal statement: ‘SDGLN is…

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