
A letter of Christmas thanks, to a diverse LGBT community Dear Editor, As we approach the looming day, the Supreme Court will be deciding the fate of decades of work for the gay community. In times like these, as I think about the meaning of this Christmas season, what unites us is more, what divides…

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Conversations with Nicole: HRC Dinner, 20 years in the making, plus DeMaio, Hale like Nancy, Ronnie Reagan

Congratulations to Big Mike Philips, who this past weekend marked his 24th anniversary of moving to San Diego from Texas … their loss; our gain. Carl DeMaio and Johnathan Hale = Ronald and Nancy Reagan The entire GLBT community laughed its head off when Carl DeMaio told the San Diego media that his lover, Johnathan…

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Playing Koi

As the Balboa Park lily pond scandal reaches new heights, I have advice for Councilman Carl DeMaio and his life partner, Johnathan Hale:  Don’t play coy with the truth. DeMaio has vehemently denied that Hale had any involvement with the water gun fight in Balboa Park that caused tens of thousands of dollars worth of…

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