Indian government asks Supreme Court to modify its pro-transgender ruling

INDIA —  The Indian federal government has asked the Supreme Court to modify its landmark ruling that accepted transgender people as a socially and economically backward caste, reports The government also told the Supreme Court that gays, lesbians and bisexuals cannot all be clubbed as transgenders and that such a supposition had created confusion….

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India’s top health minister creates hope among LGBT community

INDIA — After India’s top court overturned a successful appeal decriminalizing sex between consenting adults of the same gender late last year, members of the LGBT community were demoralized. The decision, widely regarded as surprising given India’s role as the world’s largest democracy, left many in the community scratching their heads and asking: What’s next?…

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Indian federal Cabinet bars adoption by same-sex couples

INDIA —  The Indian federal Cabinet has decided to officially bar same-sex couples from adopting children, a move that some say can also be extended to single members of the LGBT community, reports The cabinet took the decision, Aug. 6 while considering amendments to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000,…

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Indian celebrities are taking to social media to support equality rights

INDIA — Indian celebrities are taking to social media to support the rights of the lesbian, gay and bisexual community by pushing for equality in a country that criminalizes same-sex relations, reports This is in response to Humsafar Trust, an organization that promotes LGBTI rights, that recently started a petition against Section 377 on…

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Trailer of upcoming gay Indian movie ‘My Son Is Gay’ released with call for funds (VIDEO) INDIA — The trailer of India’s upcoming independent crowd-funded Hindi film called My Son is Gay has been released with a call for funds, reports The film, directed by Lokesh, an independent film maker explores the emotional journey of a mother who gets to know that her son is gay and struggles to…

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Top LGBT film festival resorts to crowdfunding for support in anti-gay India

Asia’s and India’s biggest LGBT film festival has turned to social media and crowd funding to raise finances, reports Organizers of Kashish Mumbai International Queer Film Festival said this was done to give audiences a feeling of ownership and deepen their engagement with the festival. This will be its fifth edition and it is…

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India’s anti-gay Hindu nationalist party voted to power

New  Delhi — India’s Hindu nationalist party, that has opposed any move to nullify the Supreme Court’s re-criminalizing of consensual same-sex relations has won the general elections dealing a huge setback to efforts to scrap a colonial-era law that made it punishable by up to life imprisonment, reports The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP, Indian…

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