Labor praises Obama’s immigration stance

San Diego Labor Council Secretary-Treasurer/CEO Lorena Gonzalez has praised President Obama’s announcement deferring action on immigrant young adults. Calling the announcement “an encouraging step in beginning to address our nation’s dire need for comprehensive immigration reform,” Gonzalez said in a statement, “These are some of San Diego’s best and brightest, and the president’s actions allow…

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DOMA fight continues

With all this talk about Proposition 8 and constitutionality over the past year, we can’t lose sight of the sibling issue calling for the repeal of federal laws that infringe on the rights of LGBT persons on the national stage. There are more than 1,000 statutory provisions in which marital status is a factor in…

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Government denies immigration benefits for gay couple

Australian-born John Makk and his husband of seven years, Bradford Wells, are facing long-term separation after the Obama administration denied their petition requesting permanent U.S. citizenship. The decision was made in accordance with the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which discounts same-sex couples from receiving federal benefits. Makk, who is also his husband’s primary caregiver,…

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San Diego LGBT newspaper

Microsoft steps up to support immigration reform legislation

  Microsoft Corporation announced support today for the Uniting American Families Act, a measure authored by Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy (D) and designed to create immigration law reform for same-sex couples in the United States. Leahy’s legislation aims to promote greater equality by allowing LGBT Americans to sponsor permanent, same-sex partners in their bid for…

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