Sexual minority young adults smoke at higher rates than their heterosexual peers

WASHINGTON — A recent article in the American Journal of Public Health analyzed nationally representative survey results and found that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) adults smoke cigarettes at rates that are nearly 70 percent higher than the general population. A new study from Legacy, a national public health nonprofit located in Washington, D.C.,…

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Abused children’ pawns in marriage wars, claims disgraced former Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmit

As Supreme Court victories in both the Prop. 8 and DOMA cases look increasingly likely, the Religious Right is ratcheting up its attacks on the ‘homosexual’ agenda in an effort to slow the inevitable march of progress. On Wednesday, retired Lt. Gordon Klingenschmit in an email to members of the Pray in Jesus Name project issued…

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William Murray: Islam is no religion (‘and oh; elite homosexual diplomats caused recent strife in MidEast’)

Weighing in with his “expert” analysis, the Religious Freedom Coalition’s William J. Murray, speaking to the  American Family Association in a recent radio interview, “explained” how and why the attacks, sieges and tragedies at several Middle Eastern sites of American embassies and consulates occurred. According to Murray, the main problem with American foreign policy is that it is overrun by elite…

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Chilean army general sorry for anti-LGBT, anti-Jehovah’s Witness, anti-mentally ill, anti-poor recruitment order

Gen. Juan Miguel Fuente-Alba has apologized for directing army recruiters to beware of homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others, as they were not worthy recruits for the Chilean army. However, rights groups are still demanding a forced retirement from the Gen. Fuente-Alba. In a positive sign of the times indicating continued progress on the LGBT civil…

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