Winnie-the-Pooh’s questionable sexuality at center of Polish playground kerfuffle

Winnie-the-Pooh, one of the most popular and beloved children’s characters, whose stories have been translated into over 60 languages and, who for some twenty years was made into some of Walt Disney’s biggest theatrical releases from the mid-sixties to the present, has come under assault by a group of conservative councilor members in the Central-West…

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Top British soccer players line up behind this year’s Rainbow Laces campaign (VIDEO) Stonewall, the largest LGBT lobbying organization both in England and on the European Continent, has teamed up with Paddy Power, the Irish bookmaker, for a new advertising campaign entitled “The Changing Room,” to help combat homophobia from both players and fans of soccer. It is a follow-up to last year’s “Right Behind Gay Footballers”…

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Historic announcements made to tackle homophobia at World Cup of Gay Rugby (VIDEO)

SYDNEY — As the Bingham Cup kicked off today in Sydney, two Rugby World Cup winning Wallabies’ captains joined senior federal politicians for every major Australian party, as the International Rugby Board (IRB) and the Australian Rugby Union made history. The IRB is believed to be the first major international sporting federation to publicly endorse…

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New survey indicates rampant homophobia a staple of Australia’s sports culture

While openly gay athletes in the United States are encountering a slow, grudging but increasingly accepting environment on the field for their skills, Australian athletes, especially those in the hypermasculinized world of rugby, face a unique degree of homophobia, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. “In the largest survey of its kind, Out on the Fields…

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Economist Lee Badgett battles homophobia with economic, not sociological, data

The myth that gay men and lesbian women are economically better off is so pervasive in society that it is largely taken for granted that they are. That they have larger disposable incomes, fewer children and are better-educated has become a staple of gay lore. But economist Lee Badgett has spent the better part of…

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For LGBT seniors in long-term care facilities, Canada offers little in the way of support

For the generation born just before the Baby Boomers, life in residential care homes, assisted living facilities and other elderly living arrangements appears to offer no respite from the closet nor the homophobia that so many of those in that cohort grew up with. Despite Canada’s reputation for tolerance and inclusion – the Canadian government…

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