OUSTED: Hillcrest Business Association’s restraining orders target homeless

In an effort to reduce the impact of homelessness on local businesses, Hillcrest Business Association (HBA) now uses temporary restraining orders to ferret out people who are simply homeless from those who are homeless and pose a threat to their own safety and that of others because of severe mental illness or criminality. (hillcrestbia.org/clean-safe/homeless-outreach-program/) According…

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Hillcrest Business Improvement Association under fire for ‘sham’ hiring process

International photographer and San Diego community activist, David Lundin has a problem with the Hillcrest Business Improvement Association. Actually, Lundin has several problems with HBIA, not least among them what he calls “the sham hiring process” that last summer led to the re-hiring of Benjamin Nicholls as the organization’s executive director. Lundin has asked the…

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Publisher and Editor’s Note: The decision was made to publish these contradictory Letters to the Editor together, to ensure that the community gets to hear the different versions of the issues that are facing the Hillcrest Business Association. As always, we believe our readers will be able to discern the truth as San Diego LGBT…

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Radical right-wing attacks Carl DeMaio

Congressional candidate and former City Councilman Carl DeMaio continues to be the target of radical right-wing Republicans and Christian fundamentalist extremists who are trying everything they can to defeat DeMaio, who is considered the frontrunner in the upcoming June primary. They have made it clear in their right wing newsletters, blogs etc. that they do…

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