New LGBT travel survey released

SAN FRANCISCO – Community Marketing & Insights (CMI), the San Francisco-based LGBT research and communications firm, has released its 17th annual LGBT Travel Survey, a USA snapshot on LGBT travel motivations, perspectives and purchases. Respondents to the study are derived from CMI’s proprietary research panel and through partnership with national and community magazines, newspapers, Web…

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Obama for four more years. So the American public has voted and they have said “we want someone who cares about building the middle class.” What I love is the difference in the vote can be attributed to the LGBT community. The LGBT vote is 5 percent of the electorate. Given that the Republican Party…

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ILGA welcomes 68 new members

BRUSSELS – The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) has announced at its recent board meeting in Brussels that 65 new organizations have been approved as full members and three as associate members. The new members include organizations from Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America bringing the total number of…

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Upwardly mobile, eminently electable: We interview Dave Roberts, 3rd District county supervisor candidate

On paper, in photos and in person, Solana Beach Deputy Mayor Dave Roberts comes across as if he could have been sent straight from Central Casting to fill the part of ”perfect contemporary political candidate.” The candidate for 3rd District county supervisor hopes to succeed Pam Slater, who is stepping down after more than 20…

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Right about Roosevelt, Obama Dear Editor, I want to thank you for the article titled “Re-election could unleash new jobs plan” on page 4 of the Sept. 27 issue. For those of us who know and love New Orleans, we knew before Katrina that the federal “levy protection system” was bullshit. I also believe that…

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