GOP quick to condemn President Obama’s immigration reform

GOP lawmakers were quick to condemn President Barack Obama’s plan to dramatically increase deportation relief for an estimated 4.4 million undocumented immigrants, announced Thursday. In his speech Obama said, “The actions I’m taking are not only lawful, they’re the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican president and every Democratic president for the past…

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Obama on the election: ‘Americans want their leaders to work as hard as they do’

After a historic wave election that brought Republican control of the Senate and the largest GOP House majority since 1930, President Barack Obama pledged to work with Republican leaders Wednesday. Speaking to reporters from the East Room, Obama said, “Obviously, Republicans had a good night, and deserve credit for running good campaigns.” Obama continued, “What…

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GOP civil war: Huckabee demands Republicans ‘Grow A Spine’ and oppose marriage equality (VIDEO)

Media Matters For America latest post reveals how Fox News host Mike Huckabee advised Republicans to “grow a spine” and oppose marriage equality, blasting court rulings overturning same-sex marriage bans as “the betrayal of our Constitution.” During an October 7 interview with the anti-gay American Family Association’s radio program, Huckabee said that he’s “utterly exasperation…

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Republican Party to step up outreach to evangelicals

(CNN) — The Republican National Committee has brought on a director of evangelical outreach to massage the party’s complicated relationship with religious conservatives, GOP sources told CNN on Saturday. The party organization has hired Chad Connelly, a consultant and motivational speaker who, until this weekend, was the chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. Connelly…

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Five things you should know about immigration reform

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Advocates for comprehensive immigration reform won their first major legislative victory this week when the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 13-5 to approve the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” plan. If enacted, the measure will create a 13-year path to citizenship for most of the country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants. It aims to strengthen…

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Virginia GOP nominee compared Planned Parenthood to KKK

(CNN) — An outspoken and provocative conservative who emerged from Saturday’s Republican Party of Virginia Convention as the party’s nominee for lieutenant governor once compared Planned Parenthood to the Ku Klux Klan and blasted African-Americans for their “slavish devotion” to the Democratic Party. E.W. Jackson, an African-American pastor and attorney from Chesapeake, made the comments…

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Illinois GOP chair resigns, cites support for same-sex marriage as a reason

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady resigned Tuesday, citing a handful of reasons including an ongoing struggle with several members of the state GOP over his support for same-sex marriage. “There were several reasons,” why he decided to step down, Brady said in a telephone interview with CNN. “I’ve been going at…

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