Gay rights on long list of proposed changes to immigration bill

WASHINGTON (CNN) — A top Senate Democrat has offered a pair of amendments to an immigration reform bill bolstering rights for same-sex couples, a politically risky move that threatens to shatter Republican support for the sweeping legislation. Vermont Sen. Patrick’s Leahy’s amendments would recognize same-sex marriages in which one spouse is an American, and also…

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SF Pride: ‘Bradley Manning could not be community grand marshal because he’s not local’

The San Francisco Pride board of directors today issued a statement explaining why Bradley Manning could not be the community grand marshal. Apologizing for the “error” in announcing Manning as the Electoral College’s community grand marshal the board explains that, “The Electoral College was not the appropriate forum for his nomination.” The board goes on…

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Illinois GOP chair resigns, cites support for same-sex marriage as a reason

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady resigned Tuesday, citing a handful of reasons including an ongoing struggle with several members of the state GOP over his support for same-sex marriage. “There were several reasons,” why he decided to step down, Brady said in a telephone interview with CNN. “I’ve been going at…

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What happens when you are bullied at a young age? – French/Canadian film ‘La Cicatrice (The Scar)’ – Frequency Film Festival

SAN DIEGO – Pipingo Films and Alma Films have announced the presentation of The Scar, Jimmy Larouche’s first feature film, at the Frequency Film Festival in San Diego. Produced and distributed 100 percent independently by Jimmy Larouche and Patricia Diaz, the film stars Marc Béland, Patrick Goyette and Normand D’Amour. The Scar is a psychological…

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SDSU to host Lavender graduation honoring LGBTQI students: May 8

SAN DIEGO – Instead of the traditional red and black, students at San Diego State University (SDSU) will celebrate in shades of purple at the fourth annual Lavender graduation ceremony May 8. The event honors graduating students who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex or allies. “The Lavender graduation ceremony is very celebratory,” said…

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UK Parliament deputy speaker: Rape accusations ‘completely false’

(CNN) — The deputy speaker of Britain’s House of Commons said Sunday the allegations of rape and sexual assault leveled against him are false. Nigel Evans also said the incident has left him with “a sense of incredulity” because he considered the two accusers his friends. “Yesterday I was interviewed by the police concerning two…

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