
DeMaio, EQCA and Liberace’s surgeon
It was a different Carl DeMaio who announced his candidacy for the 52nd Congressional District seat recently. His life-partner Johnathan Hale was up front and by his side and he called upon the Republican Party to be “more positive and inclusive,” and that they should stay out of social issues which he said, “… are…

Oz the Great and Powerful
dvd of the week The moment in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy opens her front door, after her house was been thrown through the sky by a Kansas tornado and landed in Oz, and the black, white and very gray world becomes not just Technicolor, but incandescent and utterly alive is, to me, one…

True Blood
dvr this HBO The season premiere of True Blood is June 16, and HBO is repeating the entire last season during the next two weeks. Now is your time to relive the most bat-shit-insane season of a series that has been rather bat-shit-insane since the beginning. The politics of vampires is central to the season,…

Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network hard at work in San Diego County
For those that don’t know, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) – the people who brought you Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA), the No Name Calling Week and the National Day of Silence – has a San Diego County chapter. If you didn’t know about it, you aren’t the first, and it isn’t surprising. The…

Pride season, here we come!
The arrival of summer signals the beginning of backyard barbecues, beach days and, of course, the season of LGBT Pride festivals. From June to November, Californians have an opportunity to show their pride and support for the LGBT community at a variety of events throughout the state, from San Diego to San Francisco. Each event…

Father’s Day: celebrating male parenting
Inaugurated in the United States in the early 20th century, Father’s Day is traditionally celebrated in the majority of countries the third Sunday in June. According to The Library of Congress the idea for Father’s Day is attributed to Sonora Dodd, who was raised by her father after her mother’s death during childbirth. Ironically, it…

What’s the matter with Illinois?
When I finally came out, I didn’t have much confidence. I would stare across the bar at boys, assuming they wouldn’t like me. A good friend finally said, “If you never ask, they’ve already said ‘No.’” Would then someone had given similar advice to Illinois state Rep. Greg Harris. As you likely know, the marriage…

It’s a seller’s market
The spring home buying season is well underway and bidding wars are breaking out on San Diego’s streets. People trying to land a home while interest rates remain relatively low are up against limited choices and considerable competition. This is most evident in the western regions of the nation and San Diego is no exception….