Marco Rubio: ‘There is no federal constitutional right to same sex-marriage’ (VIDEO)

While his campaign touts his outreach to gay Republicans, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network this weekend that anyone who believes that gay people have a constitutional right to marriage have a “ridiculous and absurd reading of the U.S. Constitution,” reports Right Wing Watch. “There is no federal constitutional…

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‘Nobody’s Memories’ – PFLAG Canada’s tribute to those denied the right to marriage (VIDEO)

A wedding day. Memories that last a lifetime. A bride exchanging vows with her bride. A groom embracing his husband for the very first time. The gathering of two families coming together to celebrate the union of two people who are in love. And still, today, so many people are denied this right. Led by…

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Li Tingting, 25, on track to be China’s first openly lesbian lawyer

Lost in the kerfuffle of relentless Bruce-Jenner-is-a-woman-but-not-gay-but-Republican media noise this past week was a small but powerful story of Li Tingting. Ms. Tingting, 25, was just released from a Chinese jail after being arrested for planning to distribute stickers at bus stations to raise awareness of sexual harassment on public transport. She was arrested along…

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Leading child welfare organizations blast Alabama adoption bill

Two leading child welfare organizations, the Donaldson Adoption Institute (DAI) and Voice for Adoption (VFA), have blasted Alabama’s H.B. 296, which would empower adoption agencies to discriminate against eligible parents and guardians. If passed, the discriminatory piece of legislation will deny countless children from accessing caring homes. Even more disheartening, the bill would prevent eligible…

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Frenchie Davis returns to San Diego May 17

Frenchie Davis returns to America’s Finest City next month to help support the women’s community of San Diego. The Grammy-nominated star is known for her appearances on American Idol, The Voice and the Broadway shows Rent, Dreamgirls, Ain’t Misbehavin’ and many more! Broadway, Our Way will present songs from the stage that give voice to…

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