Oregon to Join California, New Jersey and DC in protecting LGBT youth from conversion therapy

SALEM, Ore. —Today, the Oregon State Senate passed HB 2307, a bill that will protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth from the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy. The bill was overwhelmingly approved by the State House on March 17 and is now heading to the desk of Gov. Kate Brown who…

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Path2Parenthood launches ‘Family Building Guide’ as an app

NEW YORK — In order to meet heightened demand from a new, younger patient demographic, Path2Parenthood (P2P), formerly known as The American Fertility Association, has made its respected and well-known Family Building Guide available as an app. The Path2Parenthood Family Building Guide has been successfully meeting the needs of hopeful parents for over 20 years. In…

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Still Alice

dvd of the week In her Oscar-winning role, Julianne Moore is Alice Howland, a renowned professor of linguistics at Columbia University, married to a handsome and successful scientist named John (Alec Baldwin), and mother to three children, slightly petulant Ann (Kate Bosworth), bright and handsome Tom (Hunter Parrish) and struggling actress Lydia (Kristen Stewart). When…

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In response to Franko’s commentary

Last week’s issue of LGBT Weekly included a “guest commentary” by popular Latina drag queen entertainer Francesca “Franko” Guillen, a former “princess royale” and community activist. Everything seems to be fair game in politics and many times “letters to the editor” and “commentaries” are ghostwritten for well-known individuals. Many of us laughed our heads off…

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Silicon Valley

dvr this HBO, Sundays, 10 p.m. The tech bros of the Bay Area are lovingly satirized in Mike Judge’s fantastic sitcom Silicon Valley. Now in its second season, the show has figured itself out after a shaky beginning, and it is now one of the funniest on TV. Thomas Middlemarch plays Richard, a delightfully awkward…

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