Worldwide survey: Four million gay men are beaten every year

PlanetRomeo, one of the world’s largest dating networks for gay/bisexual and transgender people have announced that their groundbreaking Gay Happiness Index (GHI) will be launched May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHOT). Contrary to what the index name implies, the situation is anything but happy. It is a known fact that 1/3 of all…

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Eureka Springs, Ark. votes to uphold ordinance protecting LGBT residents

LITTLE ROCK – Despite the efforts of anti-LGBT activists in Arkansas, equality continues to prevail in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Residents voted (579-231) to uphold a comprehensive, city-wide non-discrimination ordinance that was originally passed by the Eureka Springs City Council in February. The new legislation will ban discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations against people based on…

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‘Love Always’ – A first collection of writings from partners of trans people

Love, Always is the first collection of writings by partners of trans people. As the visibility of trans people rises throughout the world, so does the need to hear about the experiences of their loved ones who stand by them. Yet, their stories have remained largely untold in the sea of media attention on trans…

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ACP releases recommendations on how to achieve health care equality for LGBT patients

WASHINGTON — Recommendations on how to achieve health care equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients were released today by the American College of Physicians (ACP). In “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Disparities: A Policy Position Paper from the American College of Physicians,” ACP calls for comprehensive transgender health care services included…

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Authenticity through anonymity: Live And Let Live Alano Club celebrates 32 years of LGBT recovery

It’s Saturday night and Tondelay O., a 6-foot drag queen is dressed to the nines.  But Tondelay’s not dressed for a performance, and she’s not going to a party. Tondelay and a half-dozen or so of her “sisters” mingling in the crowd of about sixty-five are attending a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous at the Live…

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Alarming number of transgender people killed worldwide in the last seven years

An updated report by a human rights group in Europe found that over 1,700 transgender people have killed worldwide in the past seven years — and those are just reported murders, writes Adrian Gonzalez on the HRC Blog. Transgender Europe (TGEU), a human rights organization working towards the elimination of all forms of discrimination against…

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HRC: FDA blood donation ban change still unacceptable

WASHINGTON – Today, the Human Rights Campaign, (HRC) responded to the release of draft guidance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a long-awaited change to the current scientifically unwarranted blood donation ban on gay and bisexual men.  The draft guidance outlines the implementation of a deferral based policy utilizing a one year period…

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Crystal Gayle, Desmond Child join lineup for ‘Concert for Love and Acceptance’ June 12

NASHVILLE, TN – GLAAD, today announced the addition of country music legend Crystal Gayle and songwriter/producer Desmond Child to the lineup of the inaugural Concert for Love and Acceptance. The event, presented by GLAAD and Herndon, will feature artists and celebrities in a coalition of support for LGBT acceptance and will take place at City…

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