San Diego awarded grant to complete LBGTQ Historic Context Statement

The City of San Diego Historical Resources Board has been awarded a grant to complete the San Diego LBGTQ Historic Context Statement. Kelley Stanco, senior planner/HRB liaison for the city made the announcement today at the Historical Resources Board hearing. The board was awarded the full amount requested which was $30,000. The board will now…

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Pride Health Challenge: Marcel’s journey

The Pride Health Challenge contestants have been transforming their lifestyle. As we approach Pride, Metabolic Direct and LGBT Weekly wanted to highlight each contestant’s journey. Each week, for the next four weeks we will publish their Pride Health Challenge stories in their own words. Here the contestants will share their truth. Here is Marcel’s journey:…

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New study defies anti-LGBT parenting critics

Today, with an imminent ruling expected from the highest court in the land on marriage equality, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation highlighted a new study that found “the literature on outcomes for children of same-sex parents is marked by scientific consensus that they experience ‘no differences’ compared to children from other parental configurations.” Co-authored…

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Jury finds that anti-LGBT conversion therapy is fraud

In a landmark victory, a state jury in New Jersey found today that a provider of gay-to-straight conversion therapy violated the state’s consumer fraud law by offering services it claimed could change clients’ sexual orientation. The jury ordered JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing), the group’s founder and a counselor to pay $72,400 to…

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dvd of the week Transamerica, one the best and most subversive movies about transgender issues ever made, starred Felicity Huffman as Bree in an epic performance that should have won her an Oscar in 2006. Bree is an anti-heroine – proud, angry, funny and dishonest. She is deeply flawed and secretly fragile. Without Huffman’s performance,…

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Harvey Milk Foundation to present its medal to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.–The Harvey Milk Foundation, known around the world for its dedication to promoting equality for the LGBT community, will present its coveted Harvey Milk Medal to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. This historic milestone coincides with the 70th anniversary celebration of the United Nations. The Harvey Milk Medal is seen as one of…

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San Diego Pride executive director warns of transgender activism at this year’s parade

Today, the executive director of San Diego Pride, Stephen Whitburn, issued an open letter addressed to all San Diego Pride attendees warning of potential activism that “may temporarily disrupt the parade’s flow.” According to the letter Pride was recently contacted by members of the transgender community who notified them of their plan to conduct multiple…

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The Factory in WeHo added to list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places

As evidenced by the recent loss of San Diego’s Michel-Carey house, sites important to LGBTQ history are vanishing. The Palms, Circus Disco and now The Factory in West Hollywood are all threatened with new development projects. Last Friday U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced that the Henry Gerber House in Chicago, Illinois, has…

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