California’s landmark Smartphone Theft Bill takes effect today

SACRAMENTO – California’s landmark legislation requiring all new smartphones sold in California to come pre-equipped with kill switch technology takes effect today. SB 962, authored by Sen. Mark Leno and sponsored by San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón, prompts every consumer to enable a kill switch during the initial setup of a new smartphone. The…

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CDC awards $216M for community-based HIV prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today that it has awarded $216 million over five years to 90 community-based organizations (CBOs) nationwide to deliver effective HIV prevention strategies to those at greatest risk, including people of color, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender individuals, and people who inject drugs. “Community-based organizations…

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First Navy Pride event makes history

“…celebrating victories that have affirmed freedom and fairness…” –  President Barack Obama History was made Tuesday when NAVAIR North Island celebrated their first LGBT Pride event. While other Pride observances have occurred in the past, yesterday’s event was the first “official” observation at the sprawling naval base, and the first on the West Coast. The…

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Girl Scouts return $100K to donor who requested money not be spent on transgender girls

Yesterday, the Seattle Met reported that the Girl Scouts of Western Washington returned a $100,000 donation after the donor requested that the money not be spent on transgender youth. “Girl Scouts is for every girl,” Megan Ferland, the council’s chief executive, told the donor. “And every girl should have the opportunity to be a Girl…

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Riot police disperse Istanbul’s Pride parade

Last weekend, while Americans celebrated a victorious ruling at the Supreme Court, riot police disbanded a Pride parade in Istanbul, Turkey. According to Boysan Yakar, a Turkish LGBT activist and former HRC fellow, riot police used water cannons and rubber pellets to disperse Istanbul’s 13th annual pride parade, writes Adrian Gonzalez on the HRC Blog. “Our…

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Gov. Chris Christie vetoes important pro-LGBT surrogacy bill

TRENTON, N.J. – Last night, on the day before announcing his candidacy for president of the United States, Gov. Chris Christie vetoed important bipartisan legislation passed by the New Jersey Legislature – the New Jersey Gestational Carrier Agreement Act – that would have modernized New Jersey law by giving legal parental rights of a child…

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President Obama honors the positive side of transgender activism at White House LGBT Pride Celebration

The reporting about the White House Pride Reception hosted by President Obama primarily centered upon a persistent heckler berating the president on the treatment of LGBT and transgender immigrants, particularly those being detained in government facilities. The heckler was later identified as Jennicet Gutiérrez, an undocumented transgender woman. Ironically, the very treatment that Gutiérrez was…

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Live footage captures marriage equality history outside Supreme Court (VIDEO)

In the wake of last Friday’s historic ruling on marriage equality, YouTube content creator Raymond Braun released a new video documenting the exact moment outside the Supreme Court when the announcement was made that #LoveWins. In the video, Raymond captures the overwhelming emotions from the crowd that patiently waited for this historic moment of recognition…

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SD Airport Authority to present Airport Development Plan Concept at Community Open House July 14

The San Diego International Airport Authority is holding a community open house Tuesday, July 14 at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., where the Airport Development Plan (ADP) will be discussed. The ADP is the next master planning phase for San Diego International Airport, and will enable the airport to meet demand through 2035. As the…

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