10th annual City Heights Giant Puppet Parade Celebration featuring Clark Middle and Rosa Parks Elementary students: July 7

At 8:15 am Tuesday, July 7, San Diego Guild of Puppetry lead artist, Felix Diaz’s whistle will blow, the drum group from Monroe Clark Middle School will set the beat, and rank upon rank of 6th graders will set out on a spirited march to their feeder elementary, Rosa Parks, in their 10th annual, “Welcome…

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Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal finally relents over same-sex marriage licenses

Anti-gay Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) has been relentlessly resisting the Supreme Court’s historic decision that made same-sex marriage legal in every state. On Thursday, the federal trial court in New Orleans released a ruling that ended Jindal’s nearly weeklong effort to hold out, reported The Huffington Post. U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman officially struck…

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Rep. Susan Davis applauds President Obama’s proposed rule to extend overtime pay to 420,000 workers in California

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) applauded the President’s announcement that the Department of Labor will propose extending overtime pay protections to nearly 5 million salaried American workers, including more than 400,000 in California.  This proposal would increase the current overtime protection threshold, guaranteeing overtime pay to most salaried workers earning less than…

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Gay guys and the friend zone (VIDEO)

YouTube content creator, Raymond Braun, recently sat down with gay psychotherapist, Matthew Dempsey, to discuss friendships between gay men and how to navigate “the friend zone”. Raymond and Matthew cover the relationships that exist between gay men and how to distinguish between these levels of friendship and intimacy. Watch above as Raymond and Matthew talk…

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Eliminating housing and employment discrimination, the next frontier in LGBT rights

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The United States Supreme Court’s endorsement of same-sex marriage is a huge victory for the gay rights movement but it is hardly the end of the battle for equality. With only 21 states banning discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, it is not illegal in most places in America…

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Fox anchor Megyn Kelly still defending Donald Trump

Fox’s Megyn Kelly leaned on Ann Coulter’s new racist, anti-immigration book to defend presidential candidate Donald Trump’s disparaging comments about Hispanic immigrants, reports Media Matters for America. During his June 16 campaign launch, Republican candidate Donald Trump characterized Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists,” saying, “When Mexico sends its people … they’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” Trump…

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Navy and Marine Corps raise level of authority required to discharge transgender Sailors and Marines

WASHINGTON – Thursday, the American Military Partner Association (AMPA), the nation’s largest organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) military families, responded to the news that the Secretary of the Navy has raised the level of authority required to discharge transgender Sailors and Marines. According to the memorandum dated July, 1, 2015, “Separations initiated…

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Mayor Faulconer, Councilmember Gloria to hoist first-ever Pride flags at City Hall

Celebrating diversity and inclusiveness in the heart of San Diego City Hall, Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Councilmember Todd Gloria will join San Diego LGBT Pride to raise the first Pride flags at City Hall, Tuesday, July 7 at 12 p.m. to commemorate the day as San Diego LGBT Pride Day and celebrate the 41st anniversary…

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