HRC condemns Catholic School for terminating highly-praised lesbian teacher because she’s married

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation today condemned another Catholic school firing of a valued LGBT employee as evidence of the church’s continuing efforts to punish workers who have legalized their unions. Philadelphia-area teacher Margie Winters was fired from Waldron Mercy Academy, a private Catholic elementary school in suburban Merion where she was…

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Finances top of mind for LGBT Americans, new Wells Fargo survey reveals

SAN FRANCISCO — A new survey from Wells Fargo & Company of LGBT Americans sheds light on how marriage equality is shaping the attitudes, behaviors, and conversations of same-sex couples related to money and planning for their future. The majority of LGBT Americans surveyed (86%) say that marriage-equality will improve the financial lives of same-sex…

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Kansas Gov. Brownback issues anti-LGBT executive order

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback today issued Executive Order 15-05, “Preservation and Protection of Religious Freedom,” protecting the religious freedom of Kansas clergy and religious organizations. EO 15-05 prohibits state government from taking any discriminatory action against any “individual clergy or religious leader,” or any “religious organization” that chooses not to participate in a marriage that…

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Professional Diversity Network Q2 2015 Jobs Report highlights two-tier job market

CHICAGO — Professional Diversity Network released its quarterly Diversity Jobs Index and Report (DJR). The quarterly report explores the overall strength of the job market heading into the Q3. It examines the two-tier job market—the Technology sector and all other sectors— created by consistent advances in technology and the growing presence of women, Asians, Hispanics,…

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Indiana’s PR contract to fix anti-LGBT RFRA damage cancelled

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) has cancelled the public relations contract it had signed to help repair the tremendous damage caused when Gov. Mike Pence signed the anti-LGBT so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law. According to Chris W. Cotterill, executive vice president of the IEDC, the contract was cancelled in part because…

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Pride Health Challenge: Ildifonso’s journey

The Pride Health Challenge contestants have been transforming their lifestyle. As we approach Pride, Metabolic Direct and LGBT Weekly wanted to highlight each contestant’s journey. Below is the third Pride Health Challenge story. Here is Ildifonso’s journey: My journey has not been that unique.  In fact, if you are reading this piece, it is probably…

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The Center appoints new coordinator of volunteer resources

SAN DIEGO – The San Diego LGBT Community Center has appointed Sarah Merk-Benitez as the organization’s coordinator of volunteer resources. Merk-Benitez replaces Jerry Tomaszewicz, Jr. who has joined The Center’s accounting team. In her new role, Merk-Benitez is responsible for recruiting, training and coordinating The Center’s more than 1,000 volunteers. “I am so grateful to…

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