Impulse release their first music video parody – ‘Bitch I’m a Condom!’

Today, Impulse, part of AHF, released their first music video parody “Bitch I’m A Condom” based on the hit song “Bitch I’m Madonna”, by…. of course, Madonna. The music video, directed by Brad Hammer and written by Danny Fernandez, stars Manila Luzon, Pandora Boxx, Jai Rodriguez, Rhea Litre, Allusia Alusia, Pablo Hernandez, a whole cast…

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Faith leaders and clergy call on Congress to oppose the First Amendment Defense Act

WASHINGTON, D.C—More than 3,000 faith leaders and clergy sent a letter today to members of Congress urging their opposition to the First Amendment Defense Act (H.R. 2802). The letter (full text below), coordinated by Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and Auburn Seminary, was delivered today to Representatives Jason Chaffetz and Elijah Cummings,…

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European Court rules same-sex partnership a right

Today, the European Court on Human Rights ruled that all signatories to the European Convention of Human Rights – including countries like Turkey and Russia, where discrimination and violence against LGBT people has recently made headlines – should recognize same-sex partnerships. This ruling, which could impact 47 countries, and 800 million people, is a major…

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Watch: Miss Fame’s very first makeup tutorial since completing Drag Race, ft. Raymond Braun

Today, RuPaul’s Drag Race Season Seven contestant Miss Fame alongside YouTube content creator Raymond Braun released a series of videos; one including Miss Fame’s very first makeup tutorial since completing Drag Race. Watch above as Miss Fame transforms Raymond Braun into an “InstaFame Blonde fantasy” in her debut tutorial since Drag Race. The additional videos…

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Transgender model makes top ten of Men’s Health cover shoot competition

Transgender model Aydian Dowling has made the top ten of a competition to win a cover shoot for Men’s Health magazine. “Thank You to everyone who has voted through this @menshealthmag Ultimate Guy Contest,” wrote Dowling on Facebook. “Although sitting at #1 is not a guaranteed win- We made a BIG statement and THAT is…

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Fashion Week San Diego launches fashion-forward brunch series

SAN DIEGO – Fashion Week San Diego (FWSD), California’s biggest fashion event, announced today the launch of ‘Glamour on Goldfinch,’ an ongoing Saturday brunch series held at the Patio on Goldfinch in Mission Hills. The first fashion-forward brunch will take place on Saturday, July 25, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., with partial proceeds benefitting…

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Same-sex couple featured in Hillary Clinton video get married (VIDEO)

A same-sex couple that appeared in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign launch video tied the knot Sunday. CBS Chicago reported that Jared Milrad and Nathan Johnson were surrounded by family and friends at Montrose Harbor Sunday afternoon but absent, though, was the presidential candidate. They sent her a Twitter invitation to their wedding today right after…

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North County San Diego’s largest film festival includes prominent gay and lesbian screening block

The lineup of all 75 films of the Oceanside International Film Festival (OIFF) – to be shown on the big screen this August including a prominent gay and lesbian screening block – is now complete. For its next installment put out annually since 2009, North County San Diego’s largest film festival recently announced the whole…

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Perry and Walker continue to oppose the basic concepts of equality for the LGBT community

Sunday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry became the second Republican presidential candidate to suggest the Boy Scouts of America (BSA)  should be able to deny lesbian, gay, and bisexual people the ability to work and volunteer for the organization when he said on Meet the Press that the BSA would be “better off” without openly LGB…

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