Tourism chiefs seek ideas from LGBT community for measuring tourist behavior

In a competition with prizes worth 22,000€ ($24,000), the Gay European Tourism Association has teamed up with the Lisbon MBA and the Portuguese Tourism Board to find new ideas and technologies for measuring the behavior of holiday makers when they visit countries and cities. The competition is seeking to create new tools that allow measurement…

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Listen: ‘I Am Cait’ promo song – ‘Love Always Wins’ – Mikey Wax (Feat. Prophecy)

Inspired by marriage equality and the words of hope and happiness from his close gay friend upon the legalization of gay marriage., on-the-verge pop artist Mikey Wax has released his tribute single “Love Always Wins (#LoveWins)” featuring Prophecy. E! Entertainment featured the song in their promo commercial for Caitlyn Jenner’s new TV series I Am Cait….

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American Airlines, Facebook, General Mills, Google and Nike announce support for federal LGBT non-discrimination protections

Today, just days after the introduction of the historic Equality Act in Congress, five new major American companies announced their support for comprehensive, federal LGBT non-discrimination protections.  Each of these new leading corporations – American Airlines, Facebook, General Mills, Google and Nike demonstrated their belief that all LGBT Americans should have the protections from discrimination…

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Boy Scouts of America ends its ban on gay leaders and volunteers (VIDEO)

Today, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) ratified a resolution that removed the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. Of those present and voting, 79 percent voted in favor of the resolution. The resolution was recommended for ratification by the Executive Committee earlier this month. The resolution…

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Presidential proclamation — World Hepatitis Day, 2015

Today the White House released the following presidential proclamation regarding World Hepatitis Day, July 28, 2015: Around the world, doctors, medical researchers, and other professionals dedicated to health care and public health are working hard every day to combat disease and build healthier communities. Their efforts have led to improved sanitation, cleaner water, better access…

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Finishing the work for dignity: Let’s end workplace discrimination in 2015

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, in his historic June 26, 5-4 majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, used the word “dignity” nine times. The decision ended state same-sex marriage bans in favor of same-sex wedding bands. Media headlined “dignity” across the nation and the world, forever associating the word with the LGBT struggle…

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