United We Dream’s Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project launches #NoMoreClosets campaign

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, United We Dream’s QUIP program is launching the #NoMoreClosets campaign, a story collection effort that will highlight the intersection of the immigrant rights and LGBTQ movements. UWD will also release a groundbreaking survey later this year on LGBTQ immigrants to better understand the needs of the community. This first of…

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200 LGBTQ faith leaders to meet in Salt Lake City ahead of hate group’s conference

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah — Over 200 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) advocates and faith leaders will take part in the Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit  Oct. 20-23. Hosted by the National LGBTQ Task Force, the four-day gathering will focus on elevating the voices of LGBTQ faith leaders, addressing attacks by anti-LGBTQ…

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New York Attorney General launches antitrust inquiry into Turing Pharmaceuticals’ distribution practices

WASHINGTON — Today, at the urging of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the New York attorney general has begun investigating whether Turing Pharmaceuticals, which recently imposed an unconscionable 5,000 percent price hike on the life-saving drug Daraprim, may have violated antitrust laws by limiting its distribution. Chad Griffin, President of HRC, the nation’s largest lesbian,…

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Trans bodybuilder is runner up in ‘Men’s Health’ cover competition

Aydian Dowling, the trans model and bodybuilder is a runner up in the Men’s Health Ultimate Guy competition. Dowling traveled to New York in August for a photo shoot as one of five finalists in the Men’s Health cover competition. Tim Boniface, a firefighter from Kentucky won the competition. The four other finalists—Omari Gray, Danny…

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Governor signs California New Motor Voter Act

SACRAMENTO – Saturday Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1461 , also known as the California New Motor Voter Act to automatically register driver’s license and identification applicants at the Department of Motor Vehicles who are eligible to vote. The California New Motor Voter Act will register every voting-eligible resident who applies for or renews a driver’s license…

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Protections for transgender foster youth signed into law

SACRAMENTO – Legislation authored by Sen. Mark Leno that provides new protections for transgender foster youth in California was signed into law Saturday by Gov. Jerry Brown. Senate Bill 731 ensures that all foster youth, including those who identify as transgender, are placed in appropriate homes where they feel safe and accepted. It requires caregivers…

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