UC San Diego launches Sally Ride Science STEM program

Blasting aboard space shuttle Challenger in 1983 to become the first American woman—and at age 32, the youngest American in space—the late Sally Ride captured the nation’s imagination by breaking barriers. Her legacy also includes inspiring generations of students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through Sally Ride Science, a science education company…

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Sylvia Rivera, first transgendered person in the National Portrait Gallery’s collection

Earlier this year, the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery installed the portrait of Sylvia Rivera in the “Struggle for Justice” exhibition. Rivera is the first transgendered person in the museum’s collection. A forerunner in the fight against gender identity discrimination, Ray Rivera rechristened himself as Sylvia as a teenager. When cast out by her family, she…

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‘White Christmas’ is back at San Diego Musical Theatre

San Diego Musical Theatre announced today the final production of their 2015 season, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, Nov. 27 – Dec. 6 at the Spreckels Theatre. Based on the beloved, timeless film, this heartwarming musical adaption features seventeen Irving Berlin songs, played by a live 22 piece orchestra! Veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have…

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ViiV Healthcare awards 23 small grants to help alleviate the stigma of HIV and AIDS in the MSM and transgender community globally

ViiV Healthcare Monday awarded its first round of small grants to support men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender community-led interventions to reduce stigma and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity/expression and/or HIV status. 23 non-governmental and community-based organizations will receive up to £25,000 ($38,000) per year over a two year period…

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Accenture to receive Corporate Equality Award at the 2016 HRC Greater NY Gala

NEW YORK – Tuesday, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) announced that Accenture will receive the HRC Corporate Equality Award at the 2016 Greater New York Gala on Saturday, February 6, 2016, at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. The award recognizes Accenture’s commitment to equality for the LGBT community. “Accenture is a role model…

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Ahead of international anti-LGBT summit, HRC takes a stand for diverse families

SALT LAKE CITY –  On the eve of an international summit at which thousands of anti-LGBT activists will gather from around the world, the Human Rights Campaign, (HRC) is standing up for LGBT Americans and their families, and against the World Congress of Families (WCF) and its network of affiliates exporting anti-LGBT hate across the…

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Lambda Legal sues U.S. State Department on behalf of intersex citizen denied passport

DENVER, Colo. – Lambda Legal today filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against the U.S. State Department on behalf of an intersex client, Dana Zzyym, denied a U.S. passport because Dana could not accurately choose either male or female on the passport application form, and the form does not provide any other gender marker designation. Though…

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New advice column, ‘Ask Pastor Jones,’ launches to address faith and sexuality in the LGBT community

“You can be a lot of things in the Black church, but Lord, do not be gay.”  — Iyanla Vanzant LOS ANGELES  — Truer words were never spoken by talk show host and self-help guru Iyanla Vanzant: “You can be a lot of things in the Black church, but Lord, do not be gay.” Although society is becoming…

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