Book review: ‘Naughtier than Nice’ — enjoy a little spice with your Christmas nog!

You have to tell somebody. There’s a secret inside you, one you’ve been keeping far too long and you’re about to burst. You need to talk about it. You need some advice, some perspective. As in the new novel Naughtier than Nice by Eric Jerome Dickey, if you don’t talk about this issue soon, it…

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Chelsea Manning launches Christmas attack against Caitlyn Jenner

Chelsea Manning, who is currently serving 35  years for leaking classified documents to Wikileaks launched a Christmas attack against Caitlyn Jenner saying she ‘sold out’ the trans movement. The Daily Mail reported that Manning criticized the reality star over Christmas Eve on Twitter writing, ‘In 2015 @CaitlynJenner was the Grinch who stole (& sold out)…

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A spiritual reflection of 2015

At the Metropolitan Community Church of San Diego, (aka The Met and MCC) we are an open and affirming faith community. With roots in the teachings and spiritual practices of Christianity, we are also respectful of the rich wisdom of other faith traditions. We affirm each individual as a unique and gifted creation of God….

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Transgender people and the FDA’s new blood donation guidelines

Dec. 21, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued final blood donation guidelines. The policy updated blood donor deferral recommendations, which they stated would reflect “the most current scientific evidence and to help ensure continued safety of the blood supply by reducing the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission by blood and blood products.”…

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California real estate forecast 2016, part 2

In my last article, I discussed the forces at work in the real estate market driving sales ratios and prices. Most notably, the three factors slowing the number of sales were low inventories, interest rate concerns and most especially, the lack of affordability. The California Association of Realtors is constantly tracking all sorts of variables…

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