SDHDF departure begs question: Where’s the money?

Amid allegations of gross financial mismanagement and worse, the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation (SDHDF) has announced that longtime board member, Roderick Reinhart will replace John Brown as interim executive director of the foundation effective immediately. Tuesday, Brown posted a message on Facebook confirming his departure, “Earlier this month I notified the board that I…

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ACLU takes legal action to protect rights of Minnesota transgender student

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota and the ACLU filed a motion yesterday to intervene on behalf of a transgender student in a lawsuit that seeks to bar trans students from using locker rooms consistent with the student’s gender identity. The transgender girl, identified as Jane Doe to protect her privacy, is…

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Luke Cage

dvr this On Netflix The third of Marvel’s Netflix series stars Mike Colton as the bullet proof, super-strong reluctant hero of Harlem. He first appeared as Jessica Jones’s love interest in her show, and he will be part of The Defenders, which will combine them with Daredevil and Iron Fist (whose show premieres next year)….

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Swiss Army Man

dvd of the week You could call Swiss Army Man a cross between Weekend at Bernie’s and Castaway. It’s as bizarre and puerile as Bernie’s and aspires to Castaway’s depth; Swiss Army Man uses the insanity of its premise to create a powerfully symbolic fever dream about the power of friendship to heal the wounds…

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New study shows San Diego is 2016’s fifth greenest city in America

With October being National Energy Awareness Month and 74 percent of Americans today supporting efforts to protect the environment, the personal-finance Web site WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis of 2016’s Greenest Cities in America. To determine the cities promoting an environmentally friendly lifestyle, WalletHub’s analysts compared the 100 largest cities across 20 key “green” indicators….

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