San Diego LGBT newspaper

Rick Perry clarifies stance on gay marriage, conservative social policy

Texas governor and possible GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry drew criticism from his conservative voter base recently after remarking that New York’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage was, in his words, “fine with me.” On Saturday, Perry clarified his stance on gay marriage – and solidified his support for a constitutional amendment protecting the traditional…

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San Diego LGBT newspaper

White House, defense leaders announce DADT repeal certification

In conjunction with the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, President Obama signed a historic document Friday certifying the U.S. military’s readiness to move forward with implementation of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal. “Today, we have taken the final major step toward ending the discriminatory ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’…

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HRC applauds hearing for DOMA repeal

HRC President Joe Solmonese, a key witness during Wednesday’s historic hearing on the Respect for Marriage act, announced his strong support for the landmark legislation and explained that the hearing “proved that married same-sex couples share the same values and needs as other married couples.” Married LGBT couples “are constantly hamstrung in their ability to…

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San Diego LGBT newspaper

Senator Coons opens historic hearing, challenges lawmakers to repeal DOMA

Senator Christopher Coons (D-Delaware) took the Senate floor today in what promises to be a historic hearing on DOMA repeal, urging his colleagues to support the Respect for Marriage Act and instate equal benefits for same-sex couples nationwide. Coons, an original co-sponsor of the landmark anti-discrimination act, delivered an opening statement to gathered legislators and…

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Chicago blood donor rejected for appearing gay

In 1983, fears concerning HIV/AIDs infection prompted the FDA to instate rules banning sexually active homosexual men from donating blood. The policy has since been deemed outdated by many gay rights activists, particularly since blood banks now test all contributions for HIV (as well as hepatitis, syphilis and other infectious and sexually-transmitted diseases). However, for…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

Michele Bachmann signs anti-gay pledge

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann signed a controversial pledge on Thursday that established her intent to implement rigid anti-gay policies if elected. The Candidates’ Pledge, also known as The Marriage Vow, was created by The Family Leader, a prominent Iowa group that promotes Christian conservative social values. Bob Vander Plaats, CEO of the conservative organization,…

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