gay news

Gov. Christie appoints two candidates for state Supreme Court including openly gay mayor
Today, Gov. Chris Christie (R-New Jersey) nominated an openly gay Republican mayor and an assistant state attorney general to New Jersey’s highest court. Phil Kwon, the first Asian-American to sit on the New Jersey Supreme Court, and Bruce Harris, a gay African-American mayor elected to Chatham Borough in November, were nominated Monday. “I am honored…

Zimbabwean politician free after ‘Mugabe gay’ comment
HARARE, Zimbabwe – A member of the Zimbabwean Parliament has been released after spending Christmas in jail for allegedly saying President Robert Mugabe had had gay sex. BBC News reported that Lynette Karenyi, from the former opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party, was arrested after reportedly saying, “Zanu PF members have been attacking MDC…
Thanks for the memories Michele
Dear Michele Bachmann: I was both saddened and heartened by your decision to drop out of the race to become the Republican presidential nominee after coming in last place in the Iowa Caucus. Saddened, because I’ll miss the hijinks. Heartened, because apparently, even in a far right-wing contest such as the Iowa Caucus, near-insanity can…
Flexing LGBT political muscle in 2012
End results in Iowa: Both former Pennsylvania senator, Rick Santorum and former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney captured just fewer than 25 percent of the votes – with Romney standing on a wafer-thin victory podium and Santorum standing at his side on a second place platform, awkwardly set only one-tenth of one percent shorter than the…
Praise the mighty hamburger, part I
There is one food that defines the United States like no other. Not even the classic apple pie can compete with … the hamburger. With thousands of variations, this American favorite is adored by us and by people throughout the world. So, where are the most delectable burgers in town? Here’s part one of a…
Let’s change the way we look at resolutions
Happy New Year! How many of you have made your New Year’s resolutions? How are you doing so far? Statistics tell us that barely one in three of us continue to make the traditional New Year’s resolutions. I wonder why? Almost without exception, all the usual resolutions are so grandiose; so austere; so … instantly…

Chaz Bono aims for functioning penis
In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, activist, writer and Dancing With The Stars contestant Chaz Bono said he will aim for a functioning penis after considering options ranging from phalloplasty to metoidioplasty. The transgender star will pay his own way to gender reassignment surgery, he told the magazine. “I could get a phalloplasty, which…

Gay beauty queens enter Miss California pageant
Not one but two gay women are competing to win the Miss California USA beauty pageant. Beauty queens Mollie Thomas, 19, and Jenelle Hutcherson, 26, are two openly gay candidates who are hoping to score this year’s title of Miss California USA. Hutcherson says she was invited by the Miss California pageant committee to compete…