Obama talks same sex marriage

Obama calls for marriage equality, says ‘I want everyone treated fairly’

(CNN – San Diego LGBT Weekly) — President Barack Obama touched on his recent announcement of support for same-sex marriage, saying at a New York City fundraising event Monday that he believes marriage equality “strengthens families.” “I want everyone treated fairly in this country. We have never gone wrong when we’ve extended rights and responsibilities…

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DOMINO EFFECT: Ruling on tax exclusions, another federal judge finds DOMA unconstitutional

U.S. District Court Judge Claudia Wilken found Thursday that the Defense of Marriage Act’s (DOMA) limiting of same-sex couples’ and domestic partners’ rights to participate in a long-term care plan offered by the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) is unconstitutional. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District becomes the first federal court to decide a case relating DOMA…

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