San Diego's Gay News Source: LGBT WEEKLY

15th anniversary of the ILGA-Europe Annual Conference concludes in Turin

Nearly 343 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender activists and allies concluded the 15th annual ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference in Turin, Italy on Oct. 30. The event served as the largest LGBT event occurring on an annual basis in Europe’s history. Conferences, workshops, and discussion panels centered around the event’s theme: “Human Rights and “Traditional Values”: Clash…

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San Diego Gay: LGBT WEEKLY

Gay military personnel rally together in lawsuit against the United States

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is under fire after a group of married gay military personnel, the Servicemembers Defense Legal Network (SLDN), filed a lawsuit Thursday against the United States government. The lawsuit was filed in Boston at the U.S. District Court where the main argument presents a violation of constitutional rights for same-sex…

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jillian michaels bisexual biggest loser

Jillian Michaels pursues child adoption, replaced by Anna Kournikova on ‘Biggest Loser’

Jillian Michaels to adopt child from Congo. Michaels has expressed attraction to both sexes in Ladies Home Journal; now prepares to start parenthood. | photo credit: Jillian Michaels Jillian Michaels surprised fans of NBC’s The Biggest Loser when she announced she will be leaving the show to pursue a family during the Season 11 finale….

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