San Francisco 49ers become first NFL team to join anti-LGBT bullying campaign

San Francisco 49ers Tape \’It Gets Better\’ anti-LGBT bullying video The San Francisco 49ers have become the first NFL team to join the “It Gets Better” public service announcement campaign, which seeks to assure LGBT youth that, despite whatever circumstances they now face, being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender doesn’t mean being doomed to live…

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T-Mobile USA announces endorsement of referendum 74

BELLEVUE, Wash. – Today, T-Mobile USA announced the company’s endorsement of Referendum 74 by donating to, and supporting the efforts of, Washington United for Marriage (WUM), the broad, bipartisan statewide coalition working to defend the state’s marriage law. “T-Mobile has a long-standing focus on creating an inclusive workplace environment for our employees,” said Jim Alling,…

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GOP draft platform strongly rejects marriage equality

WASHINGTON – Reports indicate that the Republican 2012 platform will not only reject marriage equality, but will push for a federal constitutional amendment banning committed gay and lesbian couples from marrying and stripping rights from legally married same-sex couples and call for a vigorous defense of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The platform…

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