Exxon changes non-discrimination policy to qualify for federal contracts

ExxonMobil has re-written its Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy to finally include protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity after years of resisting full workplace equality. “Does this new policy mean that equality has come to Exxon at last? Well, sort of,” said Deena Fidas, director of HRC’s Workplace Equality Program and co-author of…

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Religious groups appeal to President Obama for ENDA-like protections for any order affecting federal contracts

With any hope for legislative action on the Employer Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) all but quashed for the foreseeable future, President Obama has announced plans for an executive order banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity for all federal contractors seeking bids from the U.S. Government. The action, which politically speaking is about all…

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