Holy Motors

dvd of the week I missed this wildly weird French movie when it was playing in San Diego this fall, but I saw it on DVD this past week and I was amazed. Leos Carax’s hypnotic, fascinating, and somewhat opaque film follows Oscar (Denis Lavant) as he goes from appointment to appointment in Paris, driven…

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Same sex parent writes open letter to SCOTUS justices (VIDEO)

From Queerty.com comes a touching video from father of three Jack Montgomery, of Washington, D.C., who wrote an open letter to Justice Antonin Scalia and his fellow Supreme justices regarding Scalia’s speculation as to the potential “deleterious” effects of kids having same-sex parents. Montgomery and his husband Kelly Vielmo adopted three siblings from D.C.’s foster…

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Why you should probably be taking Rand Paul seriously

In 2010, political prognosticator Charlie Cook felt that Republicans might win back the Senate, unless they nominated far right candidates who would lose to moderate Democrats. As his prime example, Cook used Kentucky, where ophthalmologist Rand Paul was the Tea Party choice against the establishment favorite, Secretary of State Trey Grayson. (In Cook’s defense, this…

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