Movie theater memories

Last week, after enduring 25 minutes (I timed it) of commercials, I saw one film; furthermore, a Coke and a tiny bag of popcorn cost more than the ticket. Leaving the mall’s 13-theater complex, I thought about what it was like before the malls mushroomed across the nation and destroyed the vibrant downtown area of…

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New LGBT travel survey released

SAN FRANCISCO – Community Marketing & Insights (CMI), the San Francisco-based LGBT research and communications firm, has released its 17th annual LGBT Travel Survey, a USA snapshot on LGBT travel motivations, perspectives and purchases. Respondents to the study are derived from CMI’s proprietary research panel and through partnership with national and community magazines, newspapers, Web…

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Malaysia drops ‘educating’ parents how to spot LGBT traits, will teach gay ‘prevention’

Malaysian Deputy Education Minister Mohd Puad Zarkashi said the government plans to go ahead with an effort to “prevent, overcome and correct symptoms of homosexuality in children,” but won’t – as it had planned to do prior to an international uproar in many western countries – publish a list of identifying characteristics for spotting potentially…

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