San Diego LGBT newspaper

SLDN Honors Lady Gaga for Gay Rights Efforts

The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) recognized pro-LGBT pop sensation Lady Gaga at their annual dinner Monday night in Washington D.C. Gaga received the Randy Shilts Visibility Award as a result of her vocal opposition to the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy – a protest firmly in keeping with the SLDN’s goals and interests. Although…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

WWE Partners with GLAAD, Pledges End to LGBT Taunts

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has announced its intention to stand with GLAAD and promote anti-bullying messages. The partnership comes after wrestler John Cena made a number of televised comments that many viewers considered anti-gay. Cena’s comments, made in the context of the program WWE Raw, included negative implications of homosexuality in reference to Dwayne “The…

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