Is Elizabeth Warren’s Twitter attack on Trump more than it seems?

Secretary Clinton’s campaign staff suggest that she is looking for a vice-presidential nominee who would dominate debates and take on the traditional role of “attack dog.” Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren seems to have taken her audition to Twitter. Warren previewed her Twitter prowess with a devastating attack on Sen. Ted Cruz, who sent a fundraising…

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Commentary: Yes Hillary, it should be Warren

As the media now pivots to vice presidential candidates for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, she should take a page out of her husband’s playbook and buck conventional wisdom. When Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton picked Tennessee Senator Al Gore as his running mate for the presidency, conventional political wisdom believed the choice of Gore was…

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San Diego Gay News - Scott Brown - Bay Windows

U.S. Senator Scott Brown dismisses LGBT issues as ‘pet projects’

U.S. Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) is facing heat for an editorial published Tuesday in Massachusetts LGBT newspaper, Bay Windows. Brown, who has not historically supported the Employment Non-Discrimination Act or the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, said in his editorial that “[supporting] everyone’s pet project” was not his M.O. as a U.S. Senator….

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