Anti-LGBT extremist Scott Lively qualifies for ballot in Massachusetts gubernatorial election

The Boston Globe has reported that the infamous anti-LGBT extremist Scott Lively qualified to be on the ballot as an independent candidate for the Massachusetts gubernatorial election this fall.  Well-known for his anti-LGBT advocacy in Uganda, Russia, and elsewhere around the world, Lively submitted the necessary paperwork and collected the required 10,000 certified signatures, according…

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Primaries: ‘a great night for Republicans’ — really?

Scientists rarely get to create their own facts. Politicians do. Say something enough times, and people start to think it’s true. Like the idea that last Tuesday’s primary was a great night for San Diego Republicans. Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Let’s start with the numbers. In Congressional primaries, Republicans lost 3:2. They are happy…

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India’s anti-gay Hindu nationalist party voted to power

New  Delhi — India’s Hindu nationalist party, that has opposed any move to nullify the Supreme Court’s re-criminalizing of consensual same-sex relations has won the general elections dealing a huge setback to efforts to scrap a colonial-era law that made it punishable by up to life imprisonment, reports The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP, Indian…

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Letters In Response to Jess Durfee’s letter and Stampp Corbin’s editorial (LGBT Weekly March 27, issue 143) Dear Editor, Even gay and lesbian history repeats itself. In 1938 feminist/lesbian Gertrude Stein nominated Adolf Hitler for a Nobel Peace Prize. So I think we shouldn’t be too tough on Bonnie Dumanis for supporting Mr. Dronenburg. We…

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Latino turnout key to San Diego mayoral election outcome

As voters head to the polls tomorrow, both campaigns should pay close attention to Latino participation.  A Latino Victory Project–Latino Decisions (LVP/LD) sponsored poll indicated that 74 percent of likely Latino voters have been following the news about the mayoral elections somewhat or very closely and that among these voters, 75 percent favored candidate David Alvarez…

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