A world far removed

“Hide my head I want to drown my sorrows, no tomorrow, no tomorrow.” — Tears for Fears, “Mad World” For many, there is a legitimate sense of sorrow when contemplating the incoming Trump administration and the potential for harm; the heretofore unfathomable loss of hard fought civil rights and societal advancements. Understandably, drowning ones sorrows…

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Stressed? Take a breath and have dessert

“Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!” – Author Unknown Holiday stress is a widespread problem. A majority of Americans report feeling “extreme stress” this time of year; lack of money, crowds and shopping decisions, obligatory parties, pressure to please family and friends, all the while bombarded by media images of happy smiling…

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Let’s talk about meat

Let’s talk about meat. Succulent meat. Smokey pink meat. Of course I’m talking about barbecue, a centuries old method of “low and slow” cooking which involves a large slab of protein, low heat, plenty of smoke and lots of time. How low and slow can you go? Christian, the friendly and informative busser at Grand…

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Lunch at a landmark

According to Merriam-Webster, “hobnob” is defined as time spent with someone (especially a famous or wealthy person) in a friendly way. “Butch” is famous for his acerbic sense of humor and is a wealth of scandalous gossip, so I guess you could say we “hobnobbed” at Hob Nob Hill. Hob Nob Hill has been serving…

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Cafe for breakfast people

I’m not a breakfast person. If you’re like me, then “the most important meal of the day” is a mug or two of steaming coffee dosed with liberal amounts of milk and sugar. Maybe I’ll gobble down a banana or spoon through a cup of creamy yogurt, but when somebody says “breakfast”, all I hear…

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A little bit hippie and a whole lot fabulous

“Butch” said he had some news to share. “Another promotion?” I jokingly queried. “Not exactly,” he somberly replied. We were seated at a table in Cucina Sorella, the latest addition to the Urban Kitchen Group’s family of restaurants. Located in the heart of Kensington, the large space follows the Group’s successful formula of offering California-inspired…

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