Museum roundup

It’s been a while since I have provided you with a survey of the many diverse exhibitions on show around town. Since it is exhibition turnaround season I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know about what is coming and what is going. Women, War and Industry will be wrapping up its…

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Jodie Foster and Matt Damon in Elysium dvd of the week Somehow, I missed Elysium, Neill Blomkamp’s follow up to the now-classic District 9. It’s about a future humanity where the rich and powerful live in a paradisiacal space station called Elysium, and the poor and desperate are still on Earth, scrounging for scraps and…

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dvd of the week If you forget that you hate Tom Cruise, you may like him in Oblivion, which is a serious, artful science fiction film hidden behind the veneer of a shoot-‘em-up blockbuster. Cruise plays Jack Harper, who along with his girlfriend Victoria (a most excellent Andrea Riseborough), is tasked with managing and repairing…

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