
Dronenburg San Diego County Clerk Ernest Dronenburg Jr. is back in the news, particularly with the LGBT community. Why? Many in the community have broken with District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis because she endorsed Dronenburg. Dronenburg asked the state Supreme Court to halt same-sex weddings after the federal court ruled Prop. 8 unconstitutional. He said the…

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Stop with all this plane crash guessing!

By the way, former decorated Marine Captain Jacque Atkinson (co-chair Sheriff’s GLBT Advisory Council) is being heavily mentioned as a possible candidate for Atkins’ Assembly seat in 2016. Bonnie Dumanis and Ernie Dronenburg Long before our county assessor Ernie Dronenburg filed and dropped a petition with the state Supreme Court over gay marriage, District Attorney…

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State attorney general: Dronenburg anti-same-sex marriage filing ‘offers no new arguments’

Late Friday State Attorney General Kamala D. Harris issued the following statement in response to  San Diego County Clerk Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr.’s filing asking the state Supreme Court to halt same-sex weddings pending a court hearing. “The filing offers no new arguments that could deny same-sex couples their constitutionally protected civil rights. The federal…

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