Trump’s 2015 pledge to GOP proves he’s a terrible negotiator

Despite his vociferous claims to the contrary, Donald J. Trump may be one of the worst dealmakers in modern politics. Proof that Trump’s not the guy you’d want negotiating a deal on your behalf is in the pledge he made last September to the Republican National Committee. Trump promised the Republicans he will not run…

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Bill is not perfect …

Editor’s Note: The original version of this editorial said Bill was reelected, the scandal actually happened during Clinton’s second term. Thanks to all our readers who noted our error. With that simple phrase Hillary Clinton can completely disarm the attacks about her husband that voters expect from Donald Trump in a general election match-up. Even stronger would be for Hillary…

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Thank you Marco Rubio

It is without question that Marco Rubio exposed the major flaws in Donald Trump’s candidacy at the most recent Republican presidential debate: his questionable business practices. Whether it was defrauding Trump University students, manufacturing a line of ties offshore, or hiring undocumented workers, Rubio put Trump’s conservative hypocrisy front and center. Unfortunately for Rubio and…

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HRC on Super Tuesday: Results foreshadow the stakes for LGBT equality in November (VIDEO)

Following Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s success in the majority of Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses, the Human Rights Campaign has released a new video highlighting what’s at stake in the 2016 election. “In the biggest showdown of the campaign so far, the strong showing from both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump foreshadows the stakes…

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Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie today endorsed his former rival, Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination. The Advocate reported that Christie pointed to his family’s long friendship with Trump’s family, saying that he finalized his endorsement the day before, concluding that Trump was the best candidate to ensure that “Hillary Clinton doesn’t get within…

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Commentary: The LGBTQ community’s #Epicfail on Donald Trump’s Islamophobia

Another day, another Trump-tacular distortion of the truth. What is it now you ask? Why it’s the Donald’s first TV spot that promises, among other fantastical ideas, to bar all Muslims from entering the country – with a simple are-you-or-are-you-not a Muslim – erecting a Chinese-like wall across the 1989 mile stretch of border we…

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