Worldwide challenge issued after Australia’s major professional sports commit to eliminate homophobia (VIDEO)

SYDNEY– The five major sports in Australian have pledged to ‘eliminate’ homophobia and have committed to an ambitious timeline for implementing new policies and programs. Australian Football League’s Andrew Demetriou (CEO), Australia Rugby Union’s Bill Pulver (CEO), National Rugby League’s Dave Smith (CEO), Football Federation Australia’s David Gallop (CEO) and Cricket Australia’s Ben Amarfio (Exec….

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Australia’s professional sports commit to ‘eliminate’ homophobia

In a world first, this coming Wednesday (Tuesday USA) every major, professional sport in Australia will collectively commit to tackling discrimination based on sexual orientation. Australian Football League’s Andrew Demetriou (CEO), Australia Rugby Union’s Bill Pulver (CEO), National Rugby League’s Dave Smith (CEO), Football Federation of Australia’s David Gallop (CEO) and Cricket Australia’s Ben Amarfio…

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