UNDERCOVER: Inside the conservative plan to continue the fight against LGBT equality

MEDIA MATTERS EXCLUSIVE REPORT: One week before the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional, a group of the country’s most prominent anti-LGBT activists met at the Skyline megachurch in San Diego to discuss what their next steps should be in the fight against LGBT equality. The meeting was…

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Young conservatives increasingly declaring: ‘I support same-sex marriage’

If the numbers are to be believed, younger members of the Republican Party, those under 30, are helping to tip the scales in favor of same-sex marriage. According to FreedomToMarry.org, 61 percent support same-sex marriage. Furthermore, 40 percent of all Republicans support the rights of same-sex couples to enter into marriage while 56 percent agree with…

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Watch a local anchorwoman destroy Conservative misinformation about multilingual Super Bowl ad (VIDEO)

From Media Matters for America comes an amazing response from local anchorwoman, Brenda Wood to conservative criticism of Coca Cola’s Super Bowl ad. Many conservatives lashed out at Coca-Cola for their Super Bowl advertisement featuring a multilingual rendition of “America the Beautiful.” Fox contributor Allen West declared that America is “on the road to perdition,” Fox host…

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PolitiFact debunks the biggest conservative lie about ENDA

From Media Matters For America comes their latest post on PolitiFact giving a “false” rating to the conservative media myth that ENDA discriminates against Christian businesses: Conservative media outlets have repeatedly asserted that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) – federal legislation that would ban employment discrimination against LGBT workers – discriminates against Christian businesses, but…

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Debunking conservative lies about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)

As the Senate prepares to take its first vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) in over a decade, Media Matters latest research shows prominent social conservative and right-wing media outlets have begun peddling long-debunked myths about ENDA, which would protect employees from mistreatment on the basis of their real or perceived sexual orientation and gender…

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