Chick-fil-A president: ‘There’s no change in our practices’

(CNN) – A Chicago alderman says Chick-fil-A’s president is publicly contradicting what company executives personally assured him for months — that the fast-food chain is changing its stance on gay marriage — and he asked the company Sunday to clarify. Alderman Joe Moreno made news last week when he announced Chick-fil-A has ceased making donations…

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Chicago alderman: ‘Chick-fil-A will no longer donate to anti-gay organizations’

The Civil Rights Agenda, an Illinois LGBTQ advocacy organization has released a statement confirming that Chick-fil-A is ceasing anti-gay donations, and has clarified its stance on gay customers and employees. From the statement: The Civil Rights Agenda … has learned that Alderman Moreno has finalized his negotiations with Chick-Fil-A.  Alderman Moreno has confirmed that Chick-fil-A…

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OPINION: Hack author of anti-Obama books, hacks away at president again in laughable ‘expose’ claiming president was gay Chicago bathhouse frequenter

EDITOR’S PERSPECTIVE BY THOM SENZEE “If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for twenty-five years will tell you these stories,” previously discredited author Jerome Corsi quotes former ‘gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs,’ Kevin DuJan, as telling him. “Obama used to go to…

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Capture a portrait of living with HIV; ‘Positively Aware’ photo essay contest

Positively Aware, a magazine devoted to HIV treatment and wellness published bi-monthly by Test Positive Aware Network (TPAN) in Chicago, is sponsoring A Day with HIV, an annual photo essay to be published in the forthcoming November/December issue. Each day across the globe almost 7,000 people, including 900 children, will contract HIV, joining an estimated…

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Chick-fil-A wades into a fast-food fight over same-sex marriage rights

ATLANTA (CNN) — Ordering lunch just got a lot more complicated than deciding how to answer, “Do you want fries with that?” Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy sparked reactions that were swift and strong after he weighed in on same-sex marriage by saying his company backs the traditional family unit. Politicians from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel…

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Alex Okrent, key Obama staffer, dies after collapsing at Chicago headquarters

Alex Okrent, 29, a staff member of President Obama’s reelection team, died Friday following a collapse at the campaign headquarters. Okrent was treated by paramedics at the Prudential Building and was later transported to Northwesters Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Obama offered his condolences to Okrent’s parents following the announcement of his death….

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EXCLUSIVE: Conan sorry for anti-trans slur following call-out by LGBT Weekly’s Sandeen, GLAAD, and People Magazine’s Janet Mock

Late night comedian Conan O’Brien apologized Tuesday after his so-called joke against transgender people turned decidedly sour. During the June 12 edition of the “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” show’s week in Chicago, O’Brien noted that one of the city’s nicknames is “the City of the Big Shoulders,” then quipped that that name “…was better…

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