David McFarland, former chair and CEO of The Trevor Project, launches new nonprofit

David McFarland, a global philanthropy advisor and former chair and CEO of the Trevor Project, today launched the new nonprofit organization United for Equality in Sports & Entertainment. The new organization will serve as a national and international advocacy group in achieving equality in sport and entertainment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) athletes and…

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Nonprofits and how they should perform Dear Editor, Countrywide, nonprofits do wonderful work for their communities, but sometimes the organization is strictly run for personal gain or ego. Such organizations must be looked at for their performance and must be transparent. There is no place in the not for profit organizations for stonewalling, unclear financials…

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ESF founding president/CEO steps down, named CEO of PremloCare

SAN DIEGO – At its annual board meeting, A. Latham Staples, the founder of the Empowering Spirits Foundation (ESF), a national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, announced his resignation as president and CEO of the organization he started in 2008. Staples who will remain with ESF as Chairman of the Board…

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Local gay leader appointed CEO of major non-profit

SAN DIEGO – The Jewish Federation of San Diego County has appointed Michael M. Sonduck as president and chief executive officer, effective immediately.  The selection process was conducted with consultation from the Jewish Federation of North America’s Mandel Center for Leadership Excellence. Sonduck, who lives in La Jolla with his partner David Zeligson, has been…

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American Apparel promises aid in gay marriage fight in France

LOS ANGELES – American Apparel, the vertically integrated clothing manufacturer based in downtown Los Angeles, is launching an initiative to support gay marriage in France. At the request of its French employees who have been eagerly following the country’s efforts to legalize gay marriage, American Apparel will be giving away 10,000 Legalize Gay shirts in…

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Human rights groups urge public officials not to legitimize anti-LGBT extremism by attending Values Voter summit

NEW YORK – A coalition of human rights groups is calling on public officials not to attend the upcoming Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., because its host, the Family Research Council (FRC), has spread demonizing lies about the LGBT community, and because one of its co-sponsors, the American Family Association (AFA), has linked homosexuality…

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