San Diego mayoral race: The case against Faulconer – 100 percent of 28 percent is still 28 percent

If there is a case against Councilmember Faulconer surviving the primary, it will be made by someone in the “Comments” section. Barring that, the focus of the case against Faulconer is the general election, and it is the downside of Republican unity. While Republicans surged nationwide in 2010, California was the Democratic firewall. Sen. Barbara…

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The San Diego mayoral race: The case against David Alvarez – too soon, too late, too liberal

Democrats who support former Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher put the case against Councilmember David Alvarez succinctly: “He can’t win.” Often sandwiched between such phrases as “He’s a great guy” and “I have nothing against him,” the message is clear: If you don’t want Mayor Kevin Faulconer, you need to vote for Fletcher. Why? “It’s too soon…

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