Five GOP presidential candidates to speak at ‘Religious Freedom’ event this weekend

Right Wing Watch has revealed that five Republican presidential candidates are scheduled to speak this weekend at a “religious freedom” event hosted by a conservative pastor who has repeatedly declared that AIDS is God’s punishment for gay people’s “immoral act” and has called for a “class action lawsuit” against homosexuality. Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted…

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Carly Fiorina denies her own words on marriage equality

GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has attempted to deny and walk back her own words suggesting that the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v Hodges, the case that led to nationwide marriage equality is the law of the land. Talking Points Memo reported today that Fiorina denied she’d ever called the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell…

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Leading From the Rear: Carl DeMaio and the Republican Party

Message from the Publisher: I would have laughed out loud if it wasn’t so sad, Carl DeMaio issued a statement after the Supreme Court ruling that partially said the following “Opposition to marriage equality has cost the Republican Party supporters – particularly among the younger generation. This decision provides a reflection point for the Republican…

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