Today: GOP presidential candidates to address nation’s largest ‘religious liberty’ gathering

Today in Iowa candidates Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal are scheduled to address the nation’s largest “religious liberty” gathering at the Freedom 2015 National Religious Liberties Conference.  Radio Host Kevin Swanson, who organized the event, has a long history of anti-LGBT rhetoric from suggesting “the nazi party had their birth in a homosexual…

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Leading From the Rear: Carl DeMaio and the Republican Party

Message from the Publisher: I would have laughed out loud if it wasn’t so sad, Carl DeMaio issued a statement after the Supreme Court ruling that partially said the following “Opposition to marriage equality has cost the Republican Party supporters – particularly among the younger generation. This decision provides a reflection point for the Republican…

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The religious right would do better to share the streets

Politicians, pundits and preachers arguing in favor of Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs) have coalesced behind a metaphor: Tolerance is a two way street. All they want is the same respect for religion that the LGBT community is requesting for sexual orientation and gender identity. In their view, LGBT activists are on the march, aggressively…

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