Singapore attorney general pressures gay man into withdrawing discrimination plea

SINGAPORE — A former executive of a multinational department store has withdrawn his appeal of workplace discrimination after the attorney general called his plea frivolous and vexatious, reports Lawrence Bernard Wee, 40, who was suing former employer Robinsons, has ended his quest to have the courts declare workplace discrimination against gay men unconstitutional by…

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Kentucky attorney general won’t defend state’s ban on marriage equality

Today Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway announced he will not appeal a judge’s order to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states or jurisdictions.  Instead, Governor Steve Beshear will hire outside counsel to appeal the ruling.  Last month U.S. District Court Judge John G. Heyburn II ruled that Kentucky ’s marriage amendment violates the constitutional…

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Oregon United for Marriage celebrates attorney general’s statement calling Measure 36 indefensible

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum announced today in a legal filing that Measure 36 “cannot withstand a federal constitutional challenge under any standard of review,” and that the State defendants in Rummell v. Kitzhaber will not defend the ban that excludes same-sex couples from marriage. The campaign also released updated polling today,…

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Virginia attorney general ends defense of state’s marriage ban

In an announcement, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring has said that his office will join the growing consensus of opinion in arguing that the state ban on marriage for lesbian and gay couples should be overturned.  There are two cases in federal court challenging the Commonwealth’s marriage amendment and Herring is urging the courts to rule…

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Crenshaw files defamation suit against Cole

Claiming defamation, “false light” (a legal term, referring to unwanted, malicious publicity) and intentional infliction of emotional distress, former District 4 City Council candidate, Dwayne Crenshaw is suing his one-time rival, Councilwoman Myrtle Cole, who defeated Crenshaw by about 1,000 votes (or 10 percentage points) during last year’s hotly contested election. “We have sadly come…

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New Utah attorney general will ‘spend whatever it takes’ to fight equal marriage

Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes has told reporters that the state is ready to appeal US District Judge Robert Shelby’s landmark ruling by taking it to the US Supreme Court. Just minutes after being sworn in on Monday, Reyes said, “We’re willing to spend whatever it takes to protect the laws and the will of…

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